Volunteers Maurine, Eli, Billie and Lucie

Volunteers Billie, Lucie, Eli, Janis and Maurine

Volunteers Kelly, Cathy , James, Billie, Janis, and Nancee

Volunteers Janis, Stephanie, Marilyn, Janis

Volunteers Janis, James, Cathy and Kelly

Volunteers Nancee and Rhonda

Janis, Zach, Nancee and Eli

Volunteers Billie and Marilyn

Exchanging History

Michael Martin Murphy visits Museum with wife Cindy

History Sharing, Don Darnell and Max Brown 2022
Restoring historic saddles
Restoring historic saddles
Smith family tours museum

Chili on the Square judges 2021

Chili On the Square winner

Stonewall Saloon 1st Annual Chili On the Square Winners

Chili On the Square Cooks

Mugs for sale at the museum.

North Texas Children’s Choir visited the museum.

The Real West Symposium
Student Field trip
Student Field Trip

Student Field Trip

Student Field Trip

Student Field Trip

Student Field Trip